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1000+ Applications

already lodged or underway


The first applications created with Rico were submitted at the beginning of 2020. Since then, here's a list of real types of planning issues that have been dealt with by applications on Rico:


2 - 500 lot land use and subdivision applications
Transport Issues​
Cross-lease Conversion
New Dwellings in Special Character and Heritage Areas
Terraced Houses
Apartment Buildings
Additions and Alterations
Minor Dwellings
Boundary Adjustments
Natural Features, Landscapes and Character Areas
Sites and Places of Significance to Mana Whenua
Viewshafts and Height Restrictions
Stormwater Management Areas
Signs and Billboards
Commercial Buildings
Building in Coastal Area
Change in Use
Industrial Use
Education Centres
.....and more!

First Rico applications back in 2020

Further information is provided on some of the first applications submitted to Council through Rico below.


Two lot subdivision

Mixed Housing Urban Zone, Land-use/subdivision consent​

Granted - $2000 Council refund

A project establishing two new dwellings on newly subdivided sections. This site was situated in a coastal inundation area and required consent for subdividing (additional consideration given to flooding), Earthworks and infringing several standards. This project received a $2000 refund on the Council deposit due to efficient processing assisted by Rico's crystal clear default application format.

16 Eltham Image 2.png

Two lot subdivision

Mixed Housing Suburban Zone, Land-use/subdivision consent​


Our first application, this was to convert one site into two, each containing a new dwelling. This is a common form of development in Auckland and required consent for subdividing, using Alternative Height in Relation to Boundary, Earthworks and infringing several standards. This application quickly progressed through Council delivering a very pleasing result for all involved.

12 Newburn Image.PNG

Single dwelling

Mixed Housing Suburban Zone, Land-use consent​


An application for a single house in a flood zone with a non-complying vehicle access onto an arterial road. Granted less than a month after lodging.

59 Abbotts Way.PNG

Four attached dwellings

Mixed Housing Urban Zone, Land-use consent​


An application to establish 4 new attached dwellings. The Alternative Height in Relation to Boundary rule was utilised while the proposal also infringed standards for Yards, Building Coverage, Landscaped Area and Outdoor Living Space.

24 Patteson Avenue.PNG

Get in touch today to streamline your planning assessments​

If you're not sure whether Rico can help, a demo is a no-obligation opportunity to have a conversation, see Rico in action and work out whether it could be a fit for you. In any case, we'd love to hear from you and learn more about your work.

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