Before adding activities
Check you've added the relevant documents to your project. Documents can be added and reviewed on the Considerations page.
To add an activity to your project:
Find the activity either in the dropdown lists or using the search bar. Rico has all the activities for a given document preloaded under the headings they are organised under in their source documents. Alternatively, you can use the search bar at the top of the page to type in keywords and find activities.
Hint: You can use source document links under each activity and at the top of the page to jump to source plan documents to review them for relevant activities.
Review any additional information. Once you've found the activity, you can see any qualifiers that apply (i.e. additional proposal characteristics that may change the activity status), conditions (such as additional standards to comply with), the status (at the right), notification rules and a link to the source document.
Add activity. Hit the plus button at the right of the activity to add this to your project. The activity will then change to blue and a description will appear.
Provide an activity description. At the bottom of the activity, there's a box where you can add a description of the activity. Generally, a description should aim to clarify why the proposal triggers the selected activity.